Thursday, August 09, 2007

Introducing: Adison Jean


Adison Jean Sheppard

August 6.2007 at 12:47 pm
8 pounds 1 ounce And 21 inches long

Every good and perfect gift is from above… James 1:17

We would like introduce you to Drew's little sister - Adison Jean.

Mom and baby are doing great!

Lisa labored for 3 1/2 hours and pushed for 30 min - she did Awesome!

Adison came in at 8 lb 1oz (3674 grams for our European friends) and 21 inches (53.3cm) long.

Adison's middle name came from her grandmothers - the late Dorthy "Jean" Sheppard - Marc's grandmother, the late Wilma "Jean" Moeckl - Lisa's grandmother and Betty "Jean" (Jeannie DeHart) Moeckl - Drew and Adison's grandmother.

Some Bulgarian names were in the running for middle names or even an additional fourth name, such as: Sofia, Nadeshda and my favorite - Marcova. In the end we decided to avoid some future teasing and stayed with the family names - we think the name fits.

We know we are so blessed and we are very greatful!

Thank you so much for your prayers - each and everyone has been answered.


Anonymous said...

Dear Sheppards,

Congratulations on the birth of Adison Jean!! You will be a fantastic big brother Drew! We so enjoyed our time with you all. We miss you. Come back to Istanbul... to live!

Eric (for the 6 of us)

Anonymous said...


Congratulations on your arrival of Adison. She is beautiful. Your son has grown into a fine young man too. Lisa looks fantastic. Hope you treasure every day with these two gifts of your children.

The McCracken's (Kansas City)

k said...

hi lisa!!!!!!
cindi g. sent us the wonderful news that you've had a daughter! congratulations!
where are you living?
i thought of you guys on drew's birthday since he's exactly one year younger than my lili.
hope to catch up with you-
*karen plummer

Anonymous said...

WOO HOO! Congrats, Sheppard family! Adison is BEAUTIFUL and I want Lisa's secret to looking like a fashion model only moments after birthing a child. What gives? :)

Blessings, blessings, blessings on all the Sheppards and the Moeckls with this beautiful addition to your family!

Kim, Marc, Ana and Mitch Welge

Anonymous said...

Congratulations & the pictures are wonderful. Nice to get a glimpse of your parents again, Lisa, and all 4 of YOU... wasn't it just yesterday we were praying for the right husband for you... :) God is so great beyond our understanding, and then with a newborn baby, born of love, we get a glimpse, just an amazing glimpse of what He's all about. Wow. You guys are gorgeous.

all our love, Wayne & Christa & "the boys"

Anonymous said...

Good words.