Sunday, September 17, 2006

NFL in Bulgaria

Many of you know that I am an avid football fan. From the many years of playing myself (a long time ago) to living in an NFL town for the last 5 years – I have really become addicted to the sport. One of my largest difficulties in living in Bulgaria is that anytime I mention football they all think I am talking about a bunch of guys who chase around a black and white ball and will get hurt if the wind blows too hard.

So my mission this summer. (Ok- admittedly a self-indulging “side” mission) was to find a way to watch US Football this fall. None of the Bulgarian cable or satellite companies carried any US Football.

I then had to turn to the wonderful world of technology – the internet. I have a good friend in Kansas City whom has a “Slingbox” which allows you to watch TV via the internet. He also has a Tivo unit set up – thus I can watch and record KC cable from here – in Bulgaria. The quality is not the best – but being half way around the world – I cannot complain. I have also found sites on the internet that will allow you to download football games after they have all ready been played. So I have been able to find a fix for my addiction.

As a result I am bringing down the other missionaries with me. Just last week I held a Monday Night Football Party on “Wednesday” night. It felt like back home – a bunch of guys sitting around, goofing off and watching football – real football. I actually invited some of my Bulgarian friends – for some reason they did not seam that interested.

Gotta go… Bears coming on at 8.

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