Tuesday, May 09, 2006

St. George’s Day - Military Parade

May 6th was St. George’s Day in Bulgaria. We are not really sure who St. George was or what he did, but we know he is the Bulgarian Saint icon that represents the military of Bulgaria.

They held a “military parade” in the center of the city in which all of the military branches marched in full uniform. They were followed by the showing of Bulgaria’s power and might as they displayed their armory. The parade was lead by a Mi-17 helicopter followed by 6 fighter jets. The parade displayed their new armored Mercedes jeeps along with other tanks, missile launchers, portable bridges and transports. They all looked clean and new – witch is good. Not sure if I want to live in a small country where their military fleet has seen a lot of action.

We are enjoying the Bulgarian culture. There are some things to get use to, but the people are very friendly and tolerant of us “foreigners.” We enjoy learning about the culture and getting to know our new Bulgarian friends better. If you care to know more about Bulgarian culture and their myths and legends around the holidays, please check out the following site: http://knigite.abv.bg/bg_folklore/en/

For pictures of the parade, view the following link: http://sheppardbulgaria.shutterfly.com/action/

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