Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

We are excited that we have one more big holiday with all of our family. As I mentioned before the Moeckls are coming in along with some other extended family - now that my brothers are married - so we could have 17 - 20 people. That is very large for my family. In the past, if we happen to have grandparents come to Thanksgiving - that was a "big family gathering." I know its not a "Moeckl" holiday where the average is 50 to 60 - but it could get there some day and some day soon at this rate.

Some disappointing news on our visas. We received feedback from the Bulgaria Consulate today that they did speak with their representatives in Bulgarian, however they still need "some more time" to process our application. We have no idea what "some more time" is, but we do know that they are NOT "in the mail."

I know God is at work in this, because He is at work in all things, thus I find myself trying to read the mind of God. Is He trying to teach us something? Like patience? Are we not doing something "right"? Was I too confident that we would get over there sooner than later? Maybe there are some things I should be working on now or preparing for before we go?

The thing I do know that in the past God has always prepared and provided in his timing and everything occurs according to His perfect plan. Yet once again I find myself questioning God and His ways. At times when I step back and look at myself, I see how small my faith really is. I am thankful that God's faithfulness is not reliant upon my faith. God will prove Himself faithfully just as he always has and I pray that my faith will continue to grow.

This two year journey will continue to grow our faith and I just ask that your prayers will continue to be with us at this time.

We are so thankful for all of you, our families and to a faithful God who has a plan for us all.


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