Anya Hale Sheppard graced us with her presence on Monday, August 3rd at 11:39 AM. She is lovingly welcomed by her Big Brother, Andrew and her Big Sister, Adison.
Anya weighed 7.5 lbs and was 20 inches long. Our pediatrician said she is in perfect health.
Mom is doing great. To prove her exceptional birthing skills, Lisa delivered Anya after just two pushes – wow.
Anya’s name means “Gracious” – we do feel she is God’s gracious gift to us. We do nothing in this life to deserve these miracles God entrusts us with – but we are ever
so thankful for the opportunity to partake in the lives of His gracious gifts.
Hale is a family name, following in our own
family tradition of giving our children
family middle names. Hale is my great-grandmothers maiden name, on my (Marc’s) mother’s side. This is an English name with the meaning of “Hero.” So, Anya will be our Gracious Hero.
Thank you for all of your love, prayers and support. We will be displaying pictures soon and we look forward to personally introducing you to Anya.