Saturday, March 22, 2008

Crazy Hairs!

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New Year Update

You know you have had a busy year when you sit down to prepare your taxes and you are asked to check all the boxes of major life changing events for the year – and you check all the boxes. Moved from a foreign country, had a baby, found a new job, bought a new house. Not your typical year!

We have been State-side for 8 months and are just now starting to feel like we are getting settled. Many of you are aware of our time in Bulgaria – we were there for 18 months and just came home in June. We had a wonderful experience, filled with good, bad and strange events – but experiences we hope to learn from for a lifetime. We often reflect on our friends and experiences we had in Bulgaria – they greatly impacted our lives and they gave us memories we will not soon forget. We cannot summarize our journey in one letter – but we would love the opportunity to share with you if you have interest.

In August we welcomed our beautiful baby girl – Adison Jean. She is our little “Markovche” (little Marc.) We now realize how spoiled we were with Drew. Not that Adison is a “bad” baby – she just requires a little more attention. However she is showing great signs of improvement lately as she is now showing great interest in her toys and giving mom a bit more rest at night.

Adison is now sitting up by herself and eating stage two foods – she loves the Gerber Puffies. She is also very vocal – a lot of noise comes out, but you can’t really understand what she is saying – a lot like her mother. ;-)

Drew is resilient - bouncing from place to place until we arrived in our new home. When we moved in he asked if we could live there “forever!” He now has a lot of new friends and many new influences – some good, some not so good – so now the “fun” part of parenting begins! Drew is excited to get a new bike and start playing in his new big yard. He is also excited to start pre-school this coming fall – what a big boy he has become.

Marc is back with IBM at Sprint. He has a similar project management position, but is now on a smaller team, whom he really enjoys working with. We are still trying to figure out what God has in store for us in regards to our future profession – but for now He has given us our place.

Lisa’s workload has increase as a full time mom of two, along with managing the home. As time will allow she hopes to get involved with some design projects on the side to keep her connected to her profession and serve as a creative outlet. Drew and Adison remain her top priority and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

We were blessed with a wonderful new home this last fall in lovely Overland Park, KS. Yes it is suburbia – but a nice resting place with many wonderful amenities and a great place to raise little ones. We always have an open guest room for our friends – please come see us.

We are looking forward to the coming of Spring – warm weather, bike rides and meeting new neighbors. We feel extremely blessed with the opportunity to re-establish our family’s foundation – as we work to nourish our family and prepare to live out God’s great adventure for our lives.