Thursday, December 29, 2005


We have visas!

We just wanted to give you all an update that we now have visas in hand. Well… we don’t actually have them “in hand,” but they are in capable hands – and on the way.

We just found out Tuesday morning, by a phone call from the Bulgarian Consulate, that the visas were ready. However they did not have a return envelope to use to send them to us. Unfortunately they never communicated that they needed return envelopes? So verses having us send envelopes and them getting back to us in an efficient manor, we called Greg, Lisa’s cousin, who lives in Chicago and he graciously agreed to go pick them up for us. Greg has since placed them in the mail to us.

Given we now have the visas – we were able to book our tickets.

It is now official – we are flying out of Chicago on Sunday January 8th at 4:20 PM for Sofia Bulgaria.

We are very excited and are very thankful for all your prayers.

I have found in “working for God” He likes to make things very interesting – although this can be very frustrating for our small minds, it makes life exciting and rewarding.

Now for the scary part… we are going!

Please continue to keep us in your prayers.

We love you.

Marc, Lisa and Drew.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve Update

Merry Christmas Everyone!

We would just like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

We received a nice present ourselves this week - we got some good news from Bulgaria. I was sent an email last week stating that our visa process has been approved in Bulgaria. That information now needs to get back to the Bulgarian Consulate in Chicago. The Consulate will give the final approval and issue the visas. They will then need to send them to us.

Unfortunately we do not know how long this process will take. But we are pleased to know that we are one step closer to going. Thank you all so much for your prayers in this effort.

We will be spending Christmas Eve with the Sheppards and then heading to the Moeckls on Christmas Day.

Merry Christmas!

Marc, Lisa and Drew

Monday, December 05, 2005

Enjoying Christmas

Hey ya'll...

Still hanging out.

We don't feel so anxious this week. We received a few encouraging emails last week and we know quite a few of you are praying for us and that certainly makes a difference.

We figure we could sit around being frustrated and trying to figure out what "God is doing." Or we can enjoy this Christmas season with our family and use this time to get closer to God. We have decided to choose the latter.

You would think that should have been an easy choice - yet somehow that human/sin nature keeps getting in the way.

We hope and pray all of your are enjoying this Christmas season with your friends and family.

Merry Christmas -
